Thursday 25 November 2010

health and safety Video:

We created our health and safety videos so that we could easily show the problems with filming in different types of conditions, such as weather issues for the equipment, issues for actors (possible pieces of glass) and finally issues with the general public being included in the piece. These health and safety videos is to make sure we are aware of the various health and safety problems we could encounter.

Wednesday 24 November 2010

Day 2 video Diary:

On this day managed to successfully finish off filming our health and safety video and a little bit more of our main piece.

Monday 22 November 2010

Day 1 Filming Diary:

One of our members were ill on this day, yet we managed to successfully film a lot of the shots we needed. As well as this we were able to film most of our health and safety video.

Thursday 18 November 2010


These stills have had a voice-over put over them, explaining what is going on in the still image and why we have decided to use that shot. Also we decided to use this type of format for presenting our storyboard because last year we found just publishing the storyboard on blogger was a little dull so this year we decided to present the storyboard in this format because it looked neater and more presentable.

Monday 15 November 2010

The smashed car;

One of our group members was able to find a garage which gave us authority to take some stills of a 'written off' car as well as a dented and damaged car. The stills that were taken we have put as a project with a voice-over over the stills.

Sunday 14 November 2010

Chosen Poster for ancillary task:

We chose this poster design for our ancillary task because we felt it would be most effective in creating the sense of enigma we were trying to create. As well as this it gives an atmosphere in which makes the audience ask questions and feel compelled to watch the short film.